Youth Faith Formation

For the faith of Baptism to unfold, it is important that our faith is nurtured so it stays alive and grows. We at Church of St. Peter are excited to partner with you and your child on this journey of faith. Faith Formation programs at Church of St. Peter encourage, instruct, and engage children in this journey of faith. Aqui para espanol.

If you have any questions about Wednesday night Youth Faith Formation or Sunday School, please contact Sarah Pennington (faithformation@johnirelandschool.org).

If you have any questions about programming for 7th-12th graders, please contact Jack Braswell (youthminister@johnirelandschool.org). 

Faith Formation Registration

Click this link to register today! Registration Fees:

Sunday School - $40 ($35 if registered by Sept. 1st)
Grades 2-12 - $105 ($100 if registered by Sept. 1st)
Family Max - $250
Core Member Discount - Faith Formation Coordinator will contact you with more payment information.

No family will be turned away due to inability to pay. You can request a scholarship by giving a brief explanation of scholarship need in the comment section of the sign up. Use the monthly payment option to sign up if you would like to apply for a scholarship.

Faith Formation at a Glance

Sunday School - 4 Year Old–1st Grade - During the 10am Mass

1st Communion - 2nd Grade or older - Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:45pm

1st Communion Lessons

1st Reconciliation Lessons

Summit Kids - 3rd & 4th Grade - Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:45pm

Roots - 5th & 6th Grade - Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:45pm

EDGE - 7th – 8th Grade - Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm

Life Teen - 9th – 12th Grade - Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm

Confirmation - 10th & 11th Grade

Cancellation Policy

Wednesday Evening: If the school district cancels classes or dismisses early due to weather conditions on Wednesday, Youth Faith Formation evening classes at the Church of St. Peter are also cancelled.

Sunday Evening: LifeTeen Core Members will contact teens if classes are cancelled.


All adults working with youth must complete VIRTUS training. To learn more about VIRTUS visit their website.

Click here to view all training sessions in the Diocese of New Ulm.

The VIRTUS session consists of a presentation of printed materials, videos and group discussion. Among other things, VIRTUS attendees will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate a child is being abused or exploited in some way, environmental factors to be aware of in the physical space of the parish or school, how abusers operate and things parents can do to help educate their children about how to respond to inappropriate behavior toward them.