Liturgical Living

Welcome to Liturgical Living

Welcome to Liturgical Living, a new AFC resource. The goal of this resource is to help our AFC and JI families by providing ideas and resources to families to help you live out our Catholic faith. Much of this series has been inspired by and modified from the book, Catholic all Year by Kendra Tierney.

Please click the links below for to access the content for Liturgical Living. 


What is Liturgical Living?

Read this Introduction piece to learn more about the Liturgical Living Series. 


Weekly Content

Week 41: June 2-8

     Corpus Christi (2), Sacred Heart of Jesus (7) and Immaculate Heart of Mary (8)

Week 40: May 26-June 1

     Ordinary Time After Pentcost, Most Holy Trinity (26), St. Joan of Arc (30), The Visitiation (31) 

Week 39: May 19-25

     Pentecosst (19) and St. Rita (22)

Week 38: May 12-18

     Our Lady of Fatima (13)

Week 37: May 05-12

     Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord and the Holy Spirit

Week 36: April 28-May 04

    What's the deal with May Crowning? and St. Gianna (28), St. Catherine of Siena (29)

Week 35: April 22-28

     Feast of St. George and What's the deal with Martrydom?

Week 34: April 14-21

     First Communion and the Blessed Sacrament 

Week 33: April 7-13

     Divine Mercy Sunday (7) and the Annunciation of the Lord (8)

Week 32: March 31-April 06

     Easter and the Easter Season

Week 31: March 24-30

    Holy Week and Triduum

Week 30: March 17-23

     What's the Deal with Confirmation?, The 5th Sunday of Lent and the Somenity of St. Joseph (19)

Week 29: March10-17

    Feast of St. Patrick (17)

Week 28: March 02-09

     Almsgiving and Sanits Perpetua and Felicity (7)

Week 27: February 25- March 02

     Fasting: A Call to True Self-Denial 

Week 26: February 18-24

     Making the Lenten Season more meaningful and Praying Stations of the Cross

Week 25: February 11-17

     Our Lady of Lourdes (11), Ash Wednesday (14) and St. Valentine (14)

Week 24: February 03-10

     What's the Deal with Lent? and Feast of St. Josephine Bahkita (8)

Week 23- January 28- February 03

    Praying in Ordinary Time III, Candlemas (2) and St. Blaise (3)

Week 22- January 21-27

     Praying in Ordinary Time II, Day of Prayer for the Protection of the Unborn (22) and Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (25)

Week 21- January 14-20

     Praying in Ordinary Time and Feast of St. Sebastian (20th) 

Week 20- January 7-13

     Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (7), Celebrating Name Days and Ordinary Time

Week 19- December 31-January 6

     Feast of the Holy Family, Mary Mother of God, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Epiphany

Week 18- December 24-30

     Christmas Eve, Christmas and the Christmas Season

Week 17- December 17-23

     Gaudette Sunday and The O Antiphons

Week 16- December 10-16

     The Many Advent Feast Days Continued. Our Lady of Loretto (10), Our Lady of Guadalupe (12), St. Lucy (13), St. John of the Cross (14) and another Christmas Novena!

Week 15- December 03- December 09

     What's the Deal with all the Advent feast days? St. Nicholas (6), St. Ambrose (7), Immaculate Conception (8), St. Juan Diego (9)

Week 14- November 26-December 02

     What's the Deal with Novenas? and St. Andrew (30) and the Christmas Novena 

Week 13- November 19-25

     Advent Traditions and Celebrating Thanksgiving with the Saints

Week 12- November 12-18

     What's the Deal with Advent? and St. Margaret of Scotland (16)

     St. Margaret Coloring Page

Week 11- November 5-11

     Celebrating Baptismal Anniversaries and St. Martin of Tours (11)

Week 10- October 29- November 4

     What's the Deal with All Souls' Day? Indulgences?

     Feast of Halloween (31), All Souls' Day(1) and All Saint's Day (2).

Week 9- October 22-28

     What's the Deal with All Saints' Day? and Pope St. John Paul II (22)

      All Saints' Day Coloring Page

Week 8- October 15-21

     What's the Deal with Halloween? and St. Luke the Evangelist (18)

     Coloring Page

Week 7- October 08-14

     How can I pray to a Saint? and Feast of St. John Henry Newman

Week 6- October 01-07

     St. Therese of Lisieux, Feast of the Guardian Angels, St. Francis of Assisi and Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Week 5- September 24-30

     What's the Deal with Saints? and The Feast of the Archangels 

       Craft Coloring Pages

Week 4- September 17-23

     Praying as a Family, St. Hildegard of Bingen and St. Matthew the Apostle

Week 3- September 10-16

     Mary, Exaltation of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows

Week 2 - September 3-9

     Liturgical Calendar and St. Mother Teresa

Week 1 - August 27- September 2

     Back to School Blessing and St. Augustine